Jargon is a natural part of any field or area of expertise. At its best, jargon helps people within a group understand each other and communicate more effectively. At its worst, jargon is used as a tool to identify and exclude people outside the group
Latest Articles & Resources
Jargon is a natural part of any field or area of expertise. At its best, jargon helps people within a group understand each other and communicate more effectively. At its worst, jargon is used as a tool to identify and exclude people outside the group
Improving instructional practices is essential for helping students learn the subject matter effectively, allowing them to improve outcomes by using the skills they’re learning.
Toolkits are comprehensive workshops that can be used within a school to guide internal innovation practices or with a group of edtech developers, researchers, and educators.
Understand the reasons you are working together, envision what a partnership will look like, define a shared meaning, and put it all in writing.
Assemble your group of codesigners and assess who you are as individuals, what strengths you have as a group, and what obstacles you may face.

Cultivate Resources
Improving instructional practices is essential for helping students learn the subject matter effectively, allowing them to improve outcomes by using the skills they’re learning.
The first step in a successful codesign research project is to decide who will form the research team and identify other stakeholders. Part of this process involves mapping community assets.
Assemble your group of codesigners and assess who you are as individuals, what strengths you have as a group, and what obstacles you may face.
Through the process of power analysis we can make power structures visible and upend them, so that all participants are true codesigners, acting as equals in the research process.
Each group holds different perspectives related to each problem, concern, or need named. These differing perspectives will help the group identify new dilemmas and opportunities with greater understanding and depth.

Engage Resources
Jargon is a natural part of any field or area of expertise. At its best, jargon helps people within a group understand each other and communicate more effectively. At its worst, jargon is used as a tool to identify and exclude people outside the group
Understand the reasons you are working together, envision what a partnership will look like, define a shared meaning, and put it all in writing.
A group’s values are often unspoken, but through value mapping you can think through and articulate the most important beliefs that will guide the research process.

Design Resources
Within Codesign, we segment research into five different types of studies. Each one with its own specific timelines, requirements, and research questions.
Semi-structured interviews are a formal way to collect qualitative data that try to mimic natural conversation. Instead of a strict list of questions that interviewer plows through, a semi-structured interview creates space for inquiry and curiosity.
A logic model presents a picture of how your initiative is supposed to work. It explains why your strategy is a good solution to the problem at hand.

Research Resources
Twelve lessons about Codesign Research that can help reduce attrition, incorporate educator voice, and create actionable results.

Produce Resources
An Action Plan is used to distill a very long report into a digestible, 2-4 page document that serves as a simple checklist for edtech developers to reference.
An example of a deliverable designed for an edtech company aimed at providing them feedback from educators and students.
An example of a deliverable designed for an edtech company aimed at providing them feedback from educators and students.