Developing Logic Models

What is a logic model?

A logic model presents a picture of how your initiative is supposed to work. It explains why your strategy is a good solution to the problem at hand.

  • An explicit statement about what activities/services will bring about change and what results you expect to see for the community and its people.

  • Logically links activities/services and effects.

  • Close synonyms: Theory of Change, Hypothesis

Why make a logic model?

A good logic model orients the participants in the effort in the same direction. It establishes a common language and point of reference. Importantly, it will propose a hypothesis that can be tested throughout the research project.

How to create a logic model?

Focus on problems, activities, and effects first. Most likely, there will be short, middle, and long-term effects, so be sure to focus on the HOW - how does one effect lead to the next effect? You can have multiple steps/arrows within the Effects box. Other boxes can be filled in easier after these three are squared away.


  • Objective observation in real world

  • What motivates the need for change?  and who benefits?


  • Resources used by initiative

  • What resources are needed?


  • Barriers to the initiative’s goals


  • What the program does with resources to direct the course of change

  • What would it take to create change and achieve measurable results?


  • Direct evidence of having performed the activity

  • What will we produce?


  • Results, consequences, outcomes, or impacts of initiative 

  • Short, middle, and long-term (as applicable)

  • What is the change or outcome for which we want to be held accountable for?


  • What is the climate in which change will take place?  What trends compete with the effort?

Leanlab Education

Leanlab Education is a nonprofit organization that specializes in codesign research between education technology companies and schools.

We match parents, learners and educators with edtech developers to inform, develop, and evaluate the next generation of classroom tools. We study how well edtech tools work in real classroom environments, and connect promising edtech solutions with resources to support accelerating their impact.

Codesigning Problem Statements for School Leaders


Feasibility Study Deliverable