Codesign Research Certification
The Codesign Research Certification is given on an individual basis to research reports conducted with schools. The purpose of this badge is to measure the extent to which the research conducted was codesigned with educators, students, and familiies. Research organizations must submit evidence of codesign throughout the research study.
Shifting Power
Users have a way to give direct feedback to designers.
Power differentials are assessed at the outset of the study.
Users receive compensation for participation.
Study Design
Educators have a clear understanding of the research process and it's goals.
Codesign engagement plan created at outset of study.
Users have equal say in overall study questions.
Users have equal say in who the test group is.
Research agenda is set collaboratively.
Research findings are transparent and legible to lay-people.
Research findings are widely distributed and available.
Team Dynamics
Designer and user senior leadership participate in research process?
Accountability is established.
Users have a clear understanding of their role in the research process.
An educator not time-constrained by participation in the study is a member of the design team.
Once, all materials are submitted, companies will be judged by industry experts, school advisors, students, parents, and the LEANLAB team.
Research organizations are issued a tamper-proof digital badge that can be securely displayed anywhere on the web. Badges can be securely integrated with Linkedin, on your company website, and on your research report.